Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Interested in "No Pain, No Drill, No Fear" DENTISTRY?

Hello all, good evening......... Hope you all doing great..... today we will discuss about gum surgery and their benefits.

Anyone of you suffering from bleeding gums, bad odour from your mouth or hiding your smile..... and thinking going to a dentist is inviting a painfull situation instead of reducing it.... NO PROBLEM... We will take care... no pain, no fear yet all, we, the HYDERABAD SMILES ADVANCED DENTAL HOSPITALS..... had different options to treat your gum problems.

Gum disease is a progressive condition that begins with the reversible stage of gingivitis, characterized by tender, bleeding gums. If the disease is left untreated and progresses past this stage, gums become increasingly inflamed and infected. In the most severe stage, advanced periodontitis, gums and bone structure are critically damaged, teeth may become loose and even fall out. Ongoing research on advanced gum disease shows there may be a link between the disease and systemic health complications, including diabetes, heart disease, eclampsia and the risk of stroke
Patients showing signs of gum disease can benefit from a safe and effective treatment option—laser gum surgery. Laser gum surgery is a minimally invasive technique that can gently and effectively treat moderate to severe gum disease. The laser is used to access the infected areas around the roots of the teeth, selectively targeting areas of bacteria and diseased tissue, without harming surrounding healthy tissue. Once all disease has been effectively removed, the teeth roots are cleaned and smoothed to allow for healthy reattachment of the gum tissue. The laser is then used to form blood clots that will also encourage a faster and healthier recovery.

Unlike traditional osseous surgery involving incisions, scalpels, and sutures, laser gum therapy uses only a single ray of laser light to eliminate areas affected by gum disease. Without the need to cut flaps in the gum tissue to reach the diseased areas, laser surgery promotes a quicker healing time for patients. Laser gum surgery is beneficial for many reasons, including: 

  •     Minimally invasive
  •     Improved patient comfort
  •     Minimizes pain and bleeding gums
  •     Shorter recovery time
  •     Blood less field
   Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP)

  • Now, we go into the general description of the LANAP® Protocol and the benefits of its use to patients. The LANAP procedure is a protocol that deals with inflammation, the infectious process, occlusion, tooth mobility, and an osseous component. It is a rather simple, but elegant, protocol that tips the scales in favor of periodontal regeneration.
  • The wavelength of laser light targets diseased or infected pocket tissue away from the underlying connective tissue. The necrotic epithelium is stripped from the connective tissue at the histologic level of the reté ridges. Since the laser energy is quite selective for diseased tissue, the underlying connective tissue is spared, thereby permitting healing and regeneration rather than formation of a pocket seal by long junctional epithelium.

  •  For any other queries, please contact
              Dr.Dilip Kumar BDS, MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon)
              Certified Implantologist (Noble Bio-care Germany)
              Certified Smile Care Dentist (New York University)
              Phone Number: 9247864642, 8801627272.

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